Spotted Garra
Garra spilota
These algae-eating fishes of fast-moving water need a well-filtered, well maintained aquarium with high oxygen levels
Synonyms | None |
Distribution | Myanmar (Burma): Irrawaddy river drainage |
Maximum Size | 7cm (2.8") |
Temperature | 16-28°C |
Water Parameters | Adaptable, but extremes should be avoided. pH: 6.5-7.5, KH: up to 15 |
Compatibility | Community |
Sexual Dimorphism | Females are more heavily-built than males |
Feeding | Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods |
The Spotted Garra hails from shallow mountain streams, where it browses the biofilm consuming algae and the small invertebrates that dwell in it.
A useful algae eater suited to mature tanks that have good water movement and high oxygen levels. This fish will thrive in a set-up that meets its requirements for highly oxygenated swiftly-moving waters. More peaceful than many of its relatives, this species is best kept in groups of 3 or more. The aquarium should be aquascaped with a soft sand or very fine rounded gravel substrate, and furnished with cobbles, smooth rocks, and bogwood pieces. Lighting can be fairly bright to encourage algae growth, which the fish will enjoy browsing on. Shady areas can be provided with the layout of the rockwork/bogwood, and by growing canopies of hardy plants such as Anubias sp or Java fern (both tied to the driftwood). Tankmates for the upper levels of the tank could include some of the Barilius, Danio, Devario, Opsarius, and small barbs that are at home in cool, fast-moving water. When kept as a group, Spotted garras seem to ignore other tankmates.
As with many algae-eaters, this fish consumes insect larvae and crustaceans as it grazes. Alongside a staple diet of vegetable flake, granules and algae wafers it will relish frozen and live foods.
This species has bred in the home aquarium, although details are few and far between.
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