Aquatic amphibians have care requirements similar to fish and are a familiar sight in many of our stores. Only Read More
Aquatic amphibians have care requirements similar to fish and are a familiar sight in many of our stores.
Only the tiny Dwarf frogs are really suitable for mixing with fish, as their larger relatives the Clawed frogs will happily attempt to eat any fish that they encounter. They may be completely aquatic, but these frogs are accustomed to exploring the water’s surface and travelling between pools during periods of rainfall. This means that any aquarium housing them must be well-covered, especially in the corners.
Axolotls are popular pets which have simple requirements and a slow-paced lifestyle. They don’t thrive at high temperatures despite their Mexican origin - their original wild habitat (largely destroyed) being high altitude lakes which provided cool, stable conditions. Today’s pet Axolotls are hybrids, having been crossed with closely related Tiger salamanders decades ago to improve their colour and all have been captive bred for generations.
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