What is the criteria for application to the Fishkeeper Fry programme?
Fishkeeper Fry has been specifically designed and developed for children of 7-8 years of age (Year 3) so the content is aimed at this age group and it is this group who we feel will get the most benefit from the programme. Applications for Fishkeeper Fry
1. Application for a place on the programme is submitted by a teacher or responsible adult working with a Year 3 class at the school you are applying for
2. Your school is a STATE primary/junior school with a Year 3 class in the UK OR a special needs school with students accessing a curriculum comparable to the level of a Year 3 mainstream primary class
3. Only one class per school can receive the free equipment each year for the programme (if you have multiple Year 3 classes who would like to apply for any one year and one of your classes is successful – additional equipment can be purchased for the other classes – please contact us at [email protected] for details and costs)
4. You are committed to follow the programme as it has been designed (with some flexibility with respect to absolute dates) across the 8 weeks that it runs and to complete the tasks and look after your tank as prescribed in the films If you have classes who are slightly older or younger than Year 3 and you would like to join the programme, unfortunately due to limited availability of equipment, we are unable to consider your application for the free equipment but you may want to purchase the equipment and follow the programme along with the other schools who have been successful. Again, please contact us at [email protected] for details and costs.